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暨南大学 “‘每月一译’ 翻译之星” 2020年5月点评





  Injecting Live Coronavirus


[1] As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase, it is clear an effective vaccine is urgently needed. With experts predicting 12 to 18 months before a vaccine is available, some scientists are considering unconventional ways to speed up the process. One highly debated method involves injecting healthy adults with live coronavirus.


[2] This strategy – called a challenge trial – would normally never be considered to test a deadly virus for which there is no effective cure, but these are extraordinary times. Vaccine trials are usually slow and cumbersome because researchers have to recruit thousands of patients and then wait for some of those people to be exposed to the virus naturally in their communities.


       [3] In a challenge trial, healthy adult volunteers are divided into two groups. One group receives a placebo and the other receives the potential vaccine. After enough time has passed for the vaccine to cause the appropriate protective immune response, both groups are then injected with the virus, revealing whether or not the vaccine offers some level of protection. 


[4] Only healthy adults with no underlying conditions would be permitted to undergo the virus challenge in the first step designed to test the effectiveness of a coronavirus vaccine. The next step, designed to test the safety of the vaccine, would enlist the help of the adults who are most at risk to severe symptoms of COVID-19, including the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions.


[5] During this phase, volunteers would be given either a placebo or the potential vaccine, but would not be injected with the virus. The aim would be to determine if there were any side effects associated with the vaccine.






就题目Injecting Live Coronavirus而言,很多译成“注射活冠状病毒”、“注射活新型冠状病毒”;更准确而言,其中的Live 可为“活性”、“活体”,Coronavirus 为“冠状病毒”(“新型冠状病毒”是novel coronavirusCovid-19),故此,不妨译为:注射活体冠状病毒

[1] 中,对于With experts predicting 12 to 18 months before a vaccine is available, 不能按原文字面和词序意思,刻板地译成专家们预测在疫苗问世前会有1218个月,此处的 before, 指的是一种时间顺序,如The newborn baby the size of an adult hand would require another two weeks at least before it was out of danger (这个只有成人巴掌大的新生婴儿还需要至少两周的时间才能脱离危险)读完这篇文章我才会去找你I’ll not go to your place before reading this article)等,故应为专家预测,疫苗问世需1218个月。而unconventional ways,译成非常规非传统皆可;One highly debated method…, 虽是独立句子,但应与前句相衔接,即其中的一个方法,而此处的 debated 为形容词,相当于 arguedcontroversialquestioneddisputed 等。因而,整句不妨译为:随着新型冠肺炎病例数目的不断增加,显然迫切需要一种有效的疫苗。专家预测,疫苗问世需1218个月,于是有的科学家考虑用些非传统方法来加速其进程;其中一备受争议的方法是给健康成人注射活体冠状病毒。

[2] 中,对于This strategy – called a challenge trial – ,有的拘泥于原文的形式,译成“这个对策称之为终极试验”、“一般而言,用该方法(也称挑战性试验)”,其实可以在词语、词序上作些变通,而有的试图将多种意思融合在一句中,因而使得句子颇长:“人们通常不会考虑将这种被称为“挑战试验”的策略用于尚无有效治疗方法的致命病毒试验”、“这种方法被称作是一种极具挑战性的实验——在正常情况下是绝对不会考虑去用一种致命病毒去测试其治疗效果的”等,需有意识将句子截短,如“这种具有挑战性试验,通常……”等。Cumbersome 的本义为 long and complicated,即冗长、复杂,如cumbersome legal procedures(繁琐的法律程序);…those people to be exposed to the virus naturally in their communities, 其中的 exposed, 一般译成“暴露”、“揭露”、“曝光”等,但此处不宜生硬照搬,特别是与naturally 相搭配,可为“自然接触”;类似的,如You have to expose yourself abundantly to an English speaking environment if you really want to learn the language well (如果你真想学好英语,就需大量接触英语环境)等。故此,该段不妨译为:这种具有挑战性试验,通常不会用来测试一种无法有效治愈的病毒,但现在是非常时期。疫苗测试过程缓慢而繁复,因为研究人员要招募上千名患者,然后等待其中一些人在其社区自然接触病毒。

[3] 中,a challenge trial 不是“一个挑战试验”,而是“富有挑战的检测”;placebo 主要有两种含义,一种something prescribed for a patient that contains no medicine, but is given for the positive psychological effect it may have because the patient believes that he or she is receiving treatment (给病人所开具的不含任何药物的药方/试剂,以使病人由于接受“治疗”而产生的一种积极心理效应),在这个意义上讲,可译为“安慰剂”;但此处是另一种含义:a preparation containing no active ingredients, given to a patient participating in a clinical trial in order to assess the performance of a new drug given to other patients in the trial(给参与临床试验患者所食用/注射的不含有效成分的药物/制剂,以评估临床试验中对其他病人所用新药的有效性),因而在这个意义上应译为“测试对照剂”。所以,该段可译为:在这种富有挑战的检测中,健康成年志愿者分为两组,一组注射测试对照剂,另一组注射测试疫苗。在相当一段时间后,人体产生相应的免疫反应,于是两组同时注射病毒,从而发现人体是否具有了一定程度的保护性。

[4] 中,许多人将underlying conditions 译成“潜在条件”,with underlying medical conditions译成“具有潜在医疗条件”,显然不妥。须知,在医学语境里,conditions 大都与人身体状况或疾病有关,如 He is in good conditions(他身体状况很好),His conditions are deteriorating (他的病情在恶化)Seasonal influenza leads to great impact on human health and economy, especially for old people and people with underlying conditions (季节性流感对人类健康和社会经济造成极大影响,特别是对老年人及慢性病患者)等。就整段而言,比较典型的参赛译文,如“在测试冠状病毒疫苗有效性的第一步中,只有没有基础疾病的健康成年人才会被允许接受病毒挑战。下一步则旨在测试疫苗的安全性,将征集最容易出现严重COVID-19症状的成年人的帮助,包括老年人和有基础疾病的人”。/ 只有无基础疾病的健康成年人才能接种病毒,这是测试疫苗的第一步。接下来,检验疫苗是否安全,要招募已成年且最有可能出现严重症状的新冠肺炎患者进行试验,其中包括老年人和有基础疾病的患者”。/ “第一步用来检测疫苗有效性的病毒风险测试只允许没有疾病的健康成年参与。第二个步骤用于检测疫苗的安全性,需要招募会感染新型冠状病毒肺炎的高危人群,他们发病后会有严重症状,包括老年人和患有疾病的人”等,大致意思虽能表达出来,但下划线所示部分在理解和表述上显然有误。综合而言,该段不妨译为:对于测试冠状病毒疫苗是否有效的第一步,只有不具慢性病的健康成人可以作为该项挑战的受体。下一步,旨在测试疫苗的安全性,则要求助于那些最易出现严重新冠肺炎症状的志愿者,包括老年和慢性病患者。











[1] 随着新型冠肺炎病例数目的不断增加,显然迫切需要一种有效的疫苗。专家预测,疫苗问世需1218个月,于是有的科学家考虑用些非传统方法来加速其进程;其中一备受争议的方法是给健康成人注射活体冠状病毒。


[2] 这种具有挑战性试验,通常不会用来测试一种无法有效治愈的病毒,但现在是非常时期。疫苗测试过程缓慢而繁复,因为研究人员要招募上千名患者,然后等待其中一些人在其社区自然接触病毒。


[3] 在这种富有挑战的检测中,健康成年志愿者分为两组,一组注射测试对照剂,另一组注射测试疫苗。在相当一段时间后,人体产生相应的免疫反应,于是两组同时注射病毒,从而发现人体是否具有了一定程度的保护性。


[4] 对于测试冠状病毒疫苗是否有效的第一步,只有不具慢性病的健康成人可以作为该项挑战的受体。下一步,旨在测试疫苗的安全性,则要求助于那些最易出现严重新冠肺炎症状的志愿者,包括老年和慢性病患者。


[5] 在此阶段,志愿者会被注射测试对照剂或测试疫苗,但不是病毒,旨在确定该疫苗是否具有副作用。