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暨南大学 “‘每月一译’ 翻译之星” 2021年6月点评






[1] 说到语文学习的乐趣,必须区分两种不同的阅读快感:一是诉诸直觉,来得快,去得也快;一是含英咀华,来得迟,去得也迟。




[3] 我只是强调教学中如何培养学生发现的目光。发现什么?发现表面上平淡无奇的字里行间所蕴涵着的汉语之美、文章之美、人性之美以及大自然之美。





就题目而言,“两种阅读”有的译成  Two reading modesTwo ways of readingTwo types of reading似都可以,但Two Kinds of Reading更为确切;而Traditional Reading or Happy Reading? 将其具体化,也是可取的。


对于[1]说到语文学习的乐趣必须区分两种不同的阅读快感一是诉诸直觉来得快去得也快一是含英咀华来得迟去得也迟,典型的参赛译文,如 When it comes to the pleasures of learning Chinese, we should distinguish fast reading from careful reading. Fast reading readers read fast and forget quickly while careful reading readers read carefully and thoughtfully.  / In terms of the pleasure of learning Chinese, it can fall into two ways: one is intuition—comes and goes fast. The other is appreciation—comes and goes late. / When taking about the pleasure of learning Chinese, we need to distinguish the following two ways of reading: one is to go follow your intuition, through which you can be delighted quickly while the happiness lasts transiently; the other is to read slowly and carefully, which provide you belated while lasting enjoyment. 等,应当说,大致意思都不错;但细读原文,会发现其中还有可推敲、改进的余地。譬如,这里其实主要探究的是阅读问题,故不妨变通为 Concerning the pleasure of reading, it can be divided into two kinds至于一是诉诸直觉来得快去得也快一是含英咀华来得迟去得也迟,也不必完全按字面意思译出,而可作相应变通:Concerning the pleasure of reading, it can be divided into two kinds: intuitive “easy come and easy go”; and digestive relish of the beauty of the materials.


[2] 中,对两种阅读表述得比较简略,一般被译成 These two ways of reading, “reading for long-term benefit” and “reading for instant pleasure”, are not totally opposite. / “Classical reading” and “reading for pleasure” are not completely opposite. /“Reading in a classical way” and “reading in an enjoyable way” are not diametrically opposed. / “Traditional reading”, which means careful reading, is not absolutely opposed to “happy reading”, which means careful reading. / ‘Reading classics’ and ‘happy reading’ are not completely contrary.等;分析起来,还应首先点明两种阅读方法,译文中里可增加词语,如 The two reading methods can also be called “pleasure reading” and “classic reading等,而二者的前后次序亦可作些调整The two reading methods can also be called “pleasure reading” and “classic reading”, which do not contradict one another. 


[3]我只是强调教学中如何培养学生 ‘发现的目光’。发现什么?发现表面上平淡无奇的字里行间所蕴涵着的汉语之美、文章之美、人性之美以及大自然之美 其中,我只是强调……”, 很容易译成 I just emphasize… / I only emphasize on… / I just want to emphasize how to…但接续上文,前面是泛指,这里是谈自己,故有一转折,不妨用 For my part, I…后面的几个之美,在中文有渲染作用,但英文里可不必照搬,概括为一个beauty)即可;而且“字里行间”,一般都没有翻译出来。综合而言,该段不妨译为:For my part, I pay attention to cultivating students’ ability to discover, and appreciate the beauty of Chinese, articles, humanity and nature by reading between the lines of the characters.    






 Two Kinds of Reading


 [1] Concerning the pleasure of reading, it can be divided into two kinds: intuitive “easy come and easy go”; and digestive relish of the beauty of the materials.


 [2] The two reading methods can also be called “pleasure / pleasant reading” and “classic reading”, which do not contradict one another. 


     [3] For my part, I pay attention to cultivating students’ ability to discover, and appreciate the beauty of Chinese, articles, humanity and nature by reading between the lines of the characters.