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暨南大学 “‘每月一译’ 翻译之星” 2021年9月点评




 Patterns of Industrialization 


[1] Industrialization refers to a process that transformed agrarian and handicraft-centered economies into economies distinguished by industry and machine manufacture.


[2] The principal features of that process were technological and organizational changes that transformed manufacturing and led to increased productivity.


[3] Critical to industrialization were technological developments that made it possible to produce goods by machines rather than by hand and that harnessed inanimate sources of energy such as coal and petroleum.


[4] Also critical was the development of factory production, wherein workers assembled under one roof to produce goods in mass quantities.






        就题目Patterns of Industrialization 而言,一般译为 “工业化模式,但也有漏译的,需注意。

[1]  Industrialization refers to a process that … 显然,Industrializationprocess 分别是主语和宾语,其余的是定语;而 distinguished by 又是……为特征的 transformed … into ……转化成……”。结合 [2],其中The principal features ofthat process,指的也是前面的宾语,故可不必分开两句来译,如大部分同学译文:“[1] 工业化指经济由以农业和手工业为主向工厂和机器制造转变的过程。[2]这个过程的一个重要特点是生产技术和组织的转变带来生产力的提升/ [1]工业化,指以农业和手工业为主的经济模式转变到以工业和机器制造业为主的经济模式的过程。[2]工业化的首要特点是,通过优化技术和结构,转变生产方式,提高生产力/ “[1] 工业化,指由以农业和手工业为核心的经济,向以工业和机器生产为特征的经济转变的过程。[2] 该过程的主要特点体现为技术上和组织上的变化,这些变化推动了制造业转型,促进了生产力水平提高等等。其实,可将 [1] [2] 结合译为:工业化是指以农业和手工业为主的经济,向以工业和机器生产为特征的经济转化的过程,其主要特点,是技术和结构的变化改变了生产,提高了生产力。以求精炼。

[3] 中,critical to 是指…… 非常重要,如Your decision is critical to our future (你的决定对我们的将来至关重要),A plan is critical to success (计划对成功来说相当的重要),The electrode is not touching a point critical to language(电极没有触碰到决定语言的那一点),但此处又不可太刻板,而宜变通为“……的关键,如“Critical to industrialization were…”工业化的关键,是……”

harness 的本义,据Collins Dictionary: If you harness something such as an emotion or natural source of energy, you bring it under your control and use it. 利用,不过比 use 更具控制力之意,如You just need to know how to harness them(你只是需要懂得如何驾驭它们),Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects (土耳其计划利用底格里斯河与幼发拉底河的水来建造大型水力发电工程),Attempts to harness the sun's rays as a source of energy (利用日光作为能源的尝试)等。因而,此句不妨译为:


对于[4],比较典型的参赛译文,如同样重要的另一点是工厂生产的不断发展,工人聚在同一个厂房下,集中力量生产大量产品而工厂生产的发展也同样重要,在工厂里面,工人们共同合作批量生产着商品工厂生产的发展也同样重要。大量的产品将会在工人聚集的工厂中产出等。其中两点值得注意:其一,Also critical was 强调的是另一大特点;其二,wherein 的本义是in which place, situation or thingin what way即指在其中、那里,在那种情况下,以什么方式等,如Wherein lies the truth? (在哪方面是真的?) Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism? (保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?)The third possible event is wherein an integer is received on the device's input channel (第三个可能是事件是从设备的输入通道接收整数的事件)等;然而,此处又不必刻意译成……里面。故此,整句似可译为:其另一大特点是,随着工厂生产的发展,工人结集在同一类厂房内,进行大规模生产








[1][2] “工业化是指以农业和手工业为主的经济,向以工业和机器生产为特征的经济转化的过程,其主要特点,是技术和结构的变化改变了生产,提高了生产力。


[3] 工业化的关键,是技术的发展使机器生产有可能代替手工劳作,同时也可使用煤、汽油等无生命能源。


[4] 其另一大特点是,随着工厂生产的发展,工人结集在同一类厂房内,进行大规模生产。