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暨南大学 “‘每月一译’ 翻译之星” 2021年10月点评






 [1] 我们在继续推进经济全球化进程中要大力推动区域合作,中国—中东欧国家的合作有巨大发展潜力。


 [2] 中国与欧洲都有东西部差距,中东欧国家人均GDP只有欧洲平均水平的40%,而中国西部地区发展水平与全国平均水平相比也有很大差距,但差距就是潜力。






[5] 中国与中东欧国家深化合作可以为挖掘潜力、缩小差距贡献力量。






就题目“中国中东欧国家合作”而言,有的译成China-CEEC cooperation等,其实这种简写的第一次出现,最好是在全称之后。因而,仍不妨译为:Cooperation between China and Central-Eastern European Countries同时,有相当同学漏译了标题,失分很多,非常遗憾。

对于[1],一般译成 Since there is great cooperative potential between China and countries in central and eastern Europe, efforts are needed to greatly push regional cooperation in the ever-lasting process of globalization./ As we continue to advance economic globalization, we should also promote regional cooperation. The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) shows great development potential. / To promote economic globalization, we should propel regional cooperation, and that between China and central and eastern European countries is of great potential.等。然而,其中大力推动不宜用 greatly push…,  vigorously promote更确切;巨大潜力则可为 great potential for … 因而,该段不妨译为:In the course of continuing economic globalization, we should vigorously promote regional cooperation, which has great potential for development between China and Central-Eastern European countries.

[2]中,中国与欧洲都有东西部差距 ,有的译成There is an east-west gap in China and Europe / Same as China, Europe has a economic gap between Eastern and Western areas. / There is a gap between the east and west of China, and so is it in Europe. 等,都不够准确、精炼,如“差距”实则指 developmental gaps“中国与欧洲都有”可为 There are … both in China and in Europe差距就是潜力,似可直译成but the gap is the potential等,然而结合前面的句子,此处可用动名词 signifying… 引出下文,而以 … as well结尾,以突出重点,同时更加顺畅。故此,该段可译为:There are developmental gaps between the east and west both in China and in Europe. The per capita GDP of Central and Eastern European countries is only 40% of the European average, while the developmental level of China’s western region is also much lower than the national average, signifying the potential for development as well. 

[3]中东欧国家经济发展空间广阔在基础设施建设、制造业发展等方面有很强的需求”,较为典型的译文 Central and Western European countries have great development potential in economy, where has strong demands in infrastructure construction, manufacturing development and other fields. / Central and Eastern European countries have a broad room for economic development. There is a strong demand in many aspects, such as infrastructure construction, development in manufacturing industry and so on. / With strong demand for infrastructure construction and manufacturing development, Cee countries have broad economic development space.等。其中,“空间广阔,容易译成a broad room / a wide space for…,实则 There is great scope and enormous potential for economic development in Central and Eastern European countries更合乎具体的语境。因而,该段似可译为:There is great scope and enormous potential for economic development in Central and Eastern European countries, since the demand for infrastructure construction and manufacturing development is strong in the region.

[4] 中,中国产能充足、外汇储备较多,一般可译成 China has sufficient capacity and more foreign exchange reserves但分析起来,产能充足……”是对中国的描述,原可译成定语,但在英文 中用with its…,又可作其状语。此段较好的译文,如 With ample production capacity and large foreign exchange reserves, China is striving to become an important base providing manufacturing equipment to the world and a big market absorbing competitive products from other countries, rather than a world factory producing goods. / With sufficient production capacity and foreign exchange reserve, China is making efforts to transform from the world's workshop of consumer goods to a major base providing manufacturing equipment for the world and a big market absorbing quality products from othercountries.等。综合而言,不妨译为:China, with its extensive production capacity and foreign currency reserves, is striving to transform itself from a world factory producing consumer goods into an important base for supplying manufacturing equipment to the world and a large market for importing quality products from various countries.

对于[5]中国与中东欧国家深化合作可以为挖掘潜力、缩小差距贡献力量”,一般译成 If China and CEE countries deepen cooperation, we can tap potential and narrow development gaps. / Above all, the further cooperation between China and countries in Central and Eastern Europe can make contributions to discovering potential and narrowing the development gap. / Improving cooperation between China and Central and Western European countries can contribute to achieving the potential and narrowing the gap.等。其实,此处未必要用虚拟语气;深化合作在原文里其前面有定语,而在译文中则宜调整到句首,如 Deepening cooperation between … , 以利于整句的展开;而可以为……贡献力量, 为加强语气,可加词语 can surely (contribute to…)故此,该句不妨译为:Deepening cooperation between China and Central-Eastern European countries can surely contribute to exploring their potential and narrowing the economic gaps.







Cooperation between China and Central-Eastern European Countries


[1] In the course of continuing economic globalization, we should vigorously promote regional cooperation, which has great potential for development between China and Central-Eastern European countries.


[2] There are developmental gaps between the east and west both in China and in Europe. The per capita GDP of Central and Eastern European countries is only 40% of the European average, while the developmental level of China’s western region is also much lower than the national average, signifying the potential for development as well. 


[3] There is great scope and enormous potential for economic development in Central and Eastern European countries, since the demand for infrastructure construction and manufacturing development is strong in the region.


[4] China, with its extensive production capacity and foreign currency reserves, is striving to transform itself from a world factory producing consumer goods into an important base for supplying manufacturing equipment to the world and a large market for importing quality products from various countries.


[5] Deepening cooperation between China and Central-Eastern European countries can surely contribute to exploring their potential and narrowing the economic gaps.