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暨南大学 “‘每月一译’ 翻译之星” 2022年10月点评






[1] 人生于自然。自然赋予的资本不少,可见者为肉体,不可见者还有本能、资质之类。


[2] 但为了能活并且活得好,他或她就还要取得应付环境的多种能力。这多种能力,可以概括为两个方面:知和德。








就题目“变野为文”而言,有的译成From Wilderness to CivilizationThe transformation of human from savage to civilizedTurn Savageness into Civilization等,但结合该文内容“靠身外的力量以文明化之”,可译为Being Civilized by Way of External Cultivation

[1] 中,“人生于自然”,很容易译成Man is born in natureHuman beings are born from natureThe nature has upbrought the human等,似乎不错,但分析起来,其实质是是什么?是Man is part of nature;“资本”一般是capital, 有的译成treasures,但此处讲的是自然意义上对人的价值(a useful or valuable quality),故宜为asset。“可见”、“不可见”可用visibleinvisible 但要分别辨析,而“肉体”不是一般意义上的fleshclaybody 等,而是物理学上与nature 相对应的physical beings。因而,该段不妨译为 Man is part of nature, which endows us with quite a lot of assets both visible and invisible. Visibly these are manifested in our physical beings; invisibly they are innate instinct and intelligence, among many other things.

对于[2],较为典型的参赛译文,如However,in order to live and live well,he or she have to develop a variety of abilities to cope with environment.And all these various abilities can be summarized in two aspects: knowledge and character. / But in order to live and live well, he or she must also acquire various abilities to cope with the environment. These abilities can be generalized in two aspects: knowledge and virtue. / However, to live and live well, one must acquire various abilities, which can be summarized in two aspects: knowledge and virtue, to cope with the environment等,分析起来,“为了”可用in order tofor the sake ofby way ofin the interest of 等;“多种能力”在原文中出现两次,在译文里不应重复,而“可以概括为两个方面”似可译成can be summarized into two aspects: …, 但可采取相应简化方式。所以,可考虑译为 In order to survive and live a better life, he or she has to acquire various abilities (mainly knowledge and virtue) to cope with the environment.

[3] 中,“野”这里不是wildroughsavagery等,而是相对“文”而言的,故可用uncivilized; 此处的“而且活得好”,一般译成In order to live in the natural society and live well / Only in this way can we live in the natural society and live well / and in order to live in a natural society and to have a better life 等,但要避免与前面的“并且活得好”相重复,不宜再用In order to… live a better life / live well ,而需选择其他更适宜的词。“人生来都是野的”,若译成All men are born uncivilized, 单独成句,未尝不可,但要考虑如何与其他句子成分相结合,且要简练,故不妨用插入语的形式people – born uncivilized – …;而所谓“身外的力量”实则是指“外界的文明、教化”。故此,整段不妨译为 To live in a natural society, or even more so, decently, people – born uncivilized – have to be civilized by way of external cultivation.







  Being Civilized by Way of External Cultivation



[1] Man is part of nature, which endows us with quite a lot of assets both visible and invisible. Visibly these are manifested in our physical beings; invisibly they are innate instinct and intelligence, among many other things.


[2] In order to survive and live a better life, he or she has to acquire various abilities (mainly knowledge and virtue) to cope with the environment.


[3] To live in a natural society, or even more so, decently, people – born uncivilized – have to be civilized by way of external cultivation.