

发布时间:2012-03-01    发布人:高等英语教学网


Mapping ESP Frontiers: Bridging Teaching, Research and Practice: 

The 1st International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP 


The 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia

13-16 December 2012

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

Special features

°         Two concurrent conferences

°         Five plenary speakers

°         Pre-conference workshops

°         Panels including practitioners from the industry

°         Book display

°         Conference dinner and local tour

Registration: 13 December 2012 (Thu)

Conferences: 14-15 December 2012 (Fri-Sat)

Local tour: 16 December 2012 (Sun)

Pre-conference workshops (Topics to be announced shortly)

12-13 December 2012 (Wed-Thu)


Call for Papers

Following the success of the First Asian ESP Conference held at Chongqing University in October 2009, the 2nd ESP in Asia Conference at University of Nottingham Ningbo China in October 2010, and the 3rd International Conference on ESP in Asia Xi’an Jiaotong University in October 2011, we are very pleased and honored to announce that the 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia, in conjunction with The 1st International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP, will be held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, from 13-16 December 2012. The theme of the concurrent conferences is ‘Mapping ESP Frontiers: Bridging Teaching, Research and Practice’.


The aim of the concurrent conferences is two-fold:

1)      to bring together scholars, researchers and practitioners in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in China and other parts of the world to contribute to a stimulating and dynamic exchange of ideas in ESP research, practice, training and assessment; and

2)      to promote interaction among conference participants so as to expand research networks and communication in different ESP settings.

We invite papers in all aspects of ESP, from teachers, research students, researchers, training consultants and practitioners from the industry. Conference themes include, but are not limited to:

°         ESP theories: Development and applications

°         ESP teaching: e.g., course or curriculum design, materials design and writing, pedagogical innovations

°         English in specialized domains in ESL/EFL contexts

°         ESP research: Approaches, methods and findings

°         ESP testing and assessment

°         ESP practice: Challenges and rewards, English in the professions in multilingual and multicultural contexts

°         EAP/ESP within a World Englishes paradigm

Important dates

Deadline for Call for Papers           15 June 2012

Notice of Acceptance                     15 July 2012

Early bird registration                     15 August 2012

Cancellation                      15 October 2012 (no refund of registration fee after this date)

Abstract submission

All presentations will be 30 minutes, including a 10-minute Q&A. Your abstract should not exceed 300 words, excluding references. On a separate page, please include the title of the paper, theme area (state one of the above), your name and academic title, your affiliation, and your email address and postal address.

Each participant can submit only one abstract as the lead author and one abstract as a co-author. Lead authors must register by 2012 in order for the paper to be included in the conference programme.

Please submit abstracts to:





Registration                                                            Amount (HK$)

(not including conference dinner and tour)           

Early Bird (by 15 August 2012)                            

Regular                                                                    1,300

Student                                                                       900

Late Registration (from 16 August 2012)

Regular                                                                    1,500

Student                                                                     1,000


Plenary speakers

Prof. Vijay Bhatia, President, Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association, Hong Kong SAR

Prof. Cai Jigang, Fudan University, China; Vice Chair, National Advisory Committee on College Language Teaching; Deputy Director, ESP committee of China Foreign Languages Education Association, China

Dr John Read, The University of Auckland, New Zealand; President, International Language Testing Association

Prof. Elena Tognini-Bonelli, The Tuscan Word Centre, The University of Siena, Italy

Prof. Wang Lifei, University of International Business and Economics, China



Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE), Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR



Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong

      Kong SAR

Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press

School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China

School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing,
